The Point
Last updated: 27 June 2022. sky thinking for an open and diverse left

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In Praise of Beethoven

Arthur C Clarke - A Very Modern Odyssey

Tackling Private Landlords

Investigating the Value Form

The Eternal Dark Heart of Empire

If You Build Them, They Will Come

Editorial policy of The Point online magazine (formerly Democratic Green Socialist)

  • The Point is an online monthly magazine written and produced by socialists and progressives based in Scotland.
  • The Point aims to be an educational and discursive tool for all progressive left activists looking for ways to challenge the status quo and change society.
  • We aim to provide a broad range of articles and features regularly covering current political issues, red-green socialism, red sky thinking, national and international issues, as well as science, philosophy and the arts.
  • Although we hope the general ideas and ethos of democratic green socialism will shine clearly through, it is our intention to promote free thinking and not a ‘party’ line.
  • We invite our readers to comment and enter in discussions on the huge majority of articles in the magazine. Occasionally, for reasons of decorum or politics, we reserve the right to carry features without a comments section.
  • Normally, however, the widest and most free discussion possible will be encouraged.
  • Although, naturally, the majority of our contributions will come from readers and sympathisers, in the spirit of openness and fraternal debate within the left we welcome articles /submissions from any quarter that may be suitable for this magazine via the contact us link. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • All editorial rights are reserved and the Editors decision on publication is final.
  • It is our policy to correct any factual errors that may occur as soon as they are brought to our attention.
  • Again, please contact the Editors at the e-mail address above.
  • Interactive Content / Comments policy
  • The Point welcomes the views of its readers on all articles and topics, including robust disagreement and criticism.
  • We seek and welcome lively comments sections.
  • We expect our family of readers to behave in a comradely way and to treat each other with respect.
  • We will moderate comments in a way that a Chair moderates a meeting.
  • Bad behaviour stifles debate.
  • It infringes upon others right to freedom of speech.
  • Well argued comment enlightens and takes discussions forward.
  • Consequently, and in line with our founding statement, we will delete comments which are racist, homophobic, sexist, or in any other way discriminatory, or derogatory, to other posters.
  • Comments the moderator judges to be illegal will also be deleted.
  • Where the Moderator considers it to be a borderline case we will contact posters by e-mail and ask them to self-moderate their comment.
  • Finally, while erring on the side of open debate, we also retain the right to delete comments by “trolls”, i.e. those people whose purpose is to impede debate and who post comments with no regard to the subject matter of debate, but whose sole purpose and intention is the baiting of other posters.

External links:

Bella Caledonia

Bright Green

George Monbiot

Green Left


The Jimmy Reid Foundation

Richard Dawkins

Scottish Left Review

Viridis Lumen