The Point
Last updated: 27 June 2022. sky thinking for an open and diverse left

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Cuba 2012 - An Essay in Pictures

In November 2012 I travelled to Cuba for ten days, staying in Havana, then moving inland to Santa Clara, over the mountains to the Caribbean and the third city of Cienfuegos, finally returning to Havana. This short video film is an essay in pictures I took (and a few were taken by my travelling companion) that tries to show Cuba as I found it.  The music accompanying is a mix of original indigenous Cuban music and shamelessly stolen anthems that mirrored the political feelings of optimism my journey through Cuba – not without contradiction – finally gave rise to. As such this is as much a personal as a political pictorial essay – perhaps more so.

If you’ve been to Cuba before I hope you recognise things that spark memories.  If you haven’t I hope this will perhaps entice you to go and see Cuba for yourself one day.

Steve Arnott


Other articles by Steve Arnott in The Point can be found here

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