The Point marks 21 days to go till referendum day with a magnificent seven appeals to undecided voters from both rank-and-file activists and leading figures in the YES movement.
The Indy Girls
As we face the final days of our right to self determination, The Indy Girls reflect on the
journey: We started out as a small group of friends who found each other through a common belief that every person in Scotland should be treated as equals and have the right to run our own affairs - like any other nation in the world.
Everyday we have been growing in numbers and growing in strength of character and self belief, and every Indy Girl who now wears a badge feels empowered like never before - it's an amazing feeling to experience.
From our quiet beginnings when we met to chat online and in person, when we went out leafleting and to the first Indy Girls meeting way back in May, we have always made it clear that we are a people's movement, not aligned to any political party or ideology.
We believe in people, and we believe in our own abilities, regardless of background.
Not only has that never changed, it has in fact it has become stronger as we travel up and down the country to various events, meetings and even discussions on our own streets.
The people we are talking to have shown true passion and vision for what we can achieve when we vote YES. Everywhere we've been, from T in The Park, Gay Pride, Wickerman, Common WealthGames, Edinburgh Fringe, and the Freedom Convoy, the collective confidence is evident for all see and feel.
On our own streets the young people have finally got something to look forward to in lifeas they never have before. What the media and the NO camp have ignored from the beginning are themassive opportunities and endless possibilities that are now nearly upon us.
There is no lie in saying that we will need more public servants.
There is no lie in saying that we will create our military services.
There is no lie in saying that we can protect our NHS.
There is no lie in saying that we will get rid of Trident.
There is no lie in saying that we can invest in the future of our children.
There is no lie in saying that Women's rights will be enshrined in the constitution.
There is no lie in saying that we can achieve better funding for Education.
(Many people can only go so far due to funding.)
How do we know this?
Because it's down to us - each and every one of us - to take control of our own destinies and to make it happen. The politicians can only take us so far - we have the chance to write our own futures like never before.
At times it won't be easy, and mistakes will be made, but they will be OUR mistakes. They will be part of growing as a people and a nation!
All through history the Scottish people have shown what great problem solvers we are - that's whatall the Scottish inventions were about - Scots came up against obstacles and found a way roundthem.
Everywhere we go now, people are realising their own potential, and daring to dream ofabetterlife,andthe reality is that we CAN! Scotland has a chance like never before, and it may never come again ... we should be running at it this with our arms wide open to embrace it!
The media have done nothing but complicate and distort the question, as has the Labour Party in Scotland, for their own self serving reasons. For all the questions and queries we have are challenges that every other country faces everyday. They all survive, and we will too, but we willnot just be surviving any more, we will be thriving and growing collectively!
"This Happy Nation" which every one keeps referring to has never been apparent in our lifetime - it a joy to now meet so many people with smiles on their faces, and to have things of such magnitudeto discuss.
The Wealthiest Nation is not what we are looking to be - we are looking to be The Happiest Nation! When people are happy the stress is lowered, and when stress is lowered people live longer ...illness, and especially auto immune illnesses are commonly triggered by stress, as are some heartconditions. That's how we start to combat our mortality rates.
A Happy Nation is a healthy nation ... remember that!
We understand there are a lot of other issues to be dealt with, but this will be the start.
When people are getting up in the morning to build something better, and not just getting up to make ends meet, the collective belief and community responsibility will return. When we are looking after our own "Wee Society" we won't need to be told by David Cameron how to behave in his "Big Society" ... This year the world has seen that we are already doing it!
What a powerful message we can send, as we show the hand of friendship to all the nations around the world, and we can tell the David Cameron's, President Obama's, Alistair Darling's, Jim Murphy's, Tony Abbott's, and ever other person who thinks they have the right to tell us that Independence is good for everywhere else but not Scotland, to mind their own DAMN business.
Those are the realities of voting YES!
The Indy Girls would like to thank everyone who has been on this journey with us - it has been a massive team effort from you all. We would not have achieved half of what we have done without the effort and input and support you have given us - in our meetings, events, our local towns, on our Facebook pages and all our local groups who have supported us through our journey.
Family and friends have also given up their time, and contributed every step of the way, and have had to see a lot less of us than usual - we salute you all!
SO - Are you feeling empowered?
Do you believe in your own abilities?
Do you believe in self determination?
Do you believe in your own future?
Do you believe that we are all equal?
Do you believe in the opportunity to build something better?
Do you believe in The People of Scotland?
Are you an Indy Girl?
Do you think Scotland should be an Independent Country?
Then vote YES!