Slippery Brown calls for Brit State theft of Scots oil - a final insult?
Gordon Brown's call for part public ownership of Scotland's offshore oil by the UK Government in the Scotsman this week might be unguardedly welcomed by some on the left – but wait a minute this is not the 'Red' Broon of the seventies but the City loving, independence hating, and PPP/PFI promoting Broon of the 21st century Blairite Labour.
This is the Janus-faced Broon who told Scots before the referendum that the infamous 'Vow' would mean home rule/devo max/near federalism, then after the referendum said it meant nothing of the kind.
From that perspective doesn't this just look a bit like resource colonialism?
Our oil should of course be publicly owned - but by the people of Scotland in an independent or Devo Max Scotland. Anything else is just continued misappropriation of a vital national asset for foreign state interests.
Agree or Disagree?